Dealing with crowds at events mainly depends on the crowd. Certain masses are mature. Others like to celebrate in a special way. So much so that they break things in the process.

It can be tough to prepare for uncontrollable things that might happen. However, with the right crowd management strategies, the risk of an event turning into a bad experience can be significantly reduced.

But which events have to deal with crowd management?

Crowd management usually only becomes relevant when an event attracts a large number of people. When planning a small get-together with family and friends, crowd management is not a problem.

However, once it is time to start organizing a major event, the following becomes more relevant:

  • Music concerts and festivals
  • Sporting or mobile games events for mmr checker lol
  • International business conferences

LoL Script event: Why is crowd management important?

People behave differently when they are part of a large crowd of faceless people. Strong emotions like joy, anger, and excitement can spread quickly and even become dangerous.

Lack of crowd management can lead to property destruction, personal injury and general hooliganism.

Tips for effective crowd management at LoL Script events

Know your target audience

Football matches and heavy metal festivals have something more to offer than academic conferences and trade shows. Find out exactly who the participants are and how they behave in crowds.

Always plan ahead

Dealing with crowds at events should be part of an event design process. Once an event location is chosen, one can start thinking about how people will move.

Inform the affected parties

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Once an idea is in place, contact can be made with anyone who will be directly affected by the event and who also needs to know exactly what type of audience they are expecting.

Therefore, make sure that the following are contacted:

  • Emergency services
  • Event Contractor
  • Local authorities
  • Neighbouring companies
  • Venue Management

They can also help to work out the practicalities of crowd management as they possibly have had an experience of similar events in the past.

Conduct a risk assessment

Safety and health risk assessments at an event are an essential part of designing a crowd management plan. Recognize potential hazards and determine how to keep people away from them.

Limit access to alcohol

Alcohol is a good icebreaker. However, this can also break many other things when consumed in large quantities by an excited event crowd. Depending on the target group, certain limits may need to be set.
