Not all people can put their time and energy into the weeks or months of preparation that major events and social events such as special birthdays or weddings entail.

Phases of social events


No matter what type of event it is, it can be broken down into four basic phases. At each of these stages, there are certain factors, considerations, and steps that must be followed.

  1. Planning

In this phase, you have to clarify fundamental questions that are necessary for the successful planning of the event. These include: What do I want to organize? Who are my guests? How much budget do I have? What do I want to offer my guests at my event? How should the timing be? Where will the event take place? What does it cost? A schedule and the creation of checklists should not be missing in this phase.

  1. Communication

In order for guests to come to your birthday party, wedding, or another event, you have to communicate the event. Whether by post or digitally, the creation of a guest list with contact details is inevitable. There are fancy ways to communicate the social event, such as with a video. The imagination knows no limits.

  1. Monitoring and adjustments before and during the event

This phase is about continuously checking the steps specified in the planning for the possibilities of their implementation. Have booked services for the day been confirmed? Are the costs as planned? Have you contacted cleaning services such as for your preparation or cleaning needs?

  1. Implementation and rework 

The day of the event shows how well your planning was. Ideally, everything will go smoothly. In reality, this is seldom the case. Therefore, you should deal with certain eventualities and how you react to them before the event. This is followed by the reworking of the event. This includes thank you card to the guests and all considerations that could be relevant for the next event that you are organizing.

You may consult a professional organizer and event planner if you want a smooth and stress-free day. What are insurmountable hurdles for you is just a normal everyday routine for him.
