Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook could be an excellent venue to promote and market events as well as engage attendees. But Instagram is preferred by many as its interface is uncluttered and much simpler with actual focus on the potential of photographs and images. Businesses in the events planning market could very much benefit from this platform.

Getting followers and likes on Instagram is something that you would need especially if you want to widen outreach to spread brand awareness, drive traffic to your site, and engage users.

If your looking for a credibility boost on Instagram, visit What do it offer? Well, the site could give your Instagram profile or post a boost by providing genuine Brazilian followers. What’s great about getting real Brazilian followers or likes on your profile from is that you don’t have to pay anything for their service.

As you get a bit of a boost, you could potentially grow your base of followers and have a wider range of outreach. To gain these followers, you have to put in you IG access data on their system. As simple as that. But, don’t fret. It’s perfectly safe since they won’t store your data since they only make use of cookies.

Instagram Tips For Events Planners

While could help boost your events planning business IG account, it is up to you to create an appealing content for you to engage your audience. The rates of engagements of organic posts from business IG accounts is nearly three times better compared to posts on other social media platforms.

For events organizers or planners to have a better audience engagement, have look at some of these best practices to help you make the most of your IG account and posts:

  • Make the Perfect Profile.You need to have an excellent profile since this how they assess your account. Having an appealing profile will make your audience want to follow you. Your bio should be short but creative and out of the ordinary. Of course, you have to put in your business name and the nature of your business. Also include a link to website since putting it on photo captions won’t actually work. Make sure your profile pic would perfectly represent your business to draw in more followers.
  • Give your Content Thought. What are you going to post? Post a story that would make your audience feel that they are part of it. Make best use of your Instagram reach by posting fascinating photos, posting the process you take when planning an event, feature well-known attendees, motivational quotes or candid happy photos of event participants. Also post things that your audience could very much relate to such as everyday scenarios with your service or product to see handy and helpful they are.
  • Know When to Post. There is no limit to the number of photos you could post. However, posting them every minute will only annoy your audience. Instead, spread out your posting on different times of the day. But research recommend you post 5 to 7 times a week.

